Our Leadership


Our pastor is Rev Peter Jemphrey. Peter was ordained as our pastor on 17th June 2022. Peter is married to Jenny and has four children Thomas, Rachel, Christopher and Timothy. Peter grew up in East Belfast and has now returned to his roots and is enjoying serving Christ in a part of the world he knows well. He enjoys playing squash and badminton and is a long-standing (long-suffering) Leeds United fan.


Ian McCaughan

Stanley Foreman

Our ruling elders jointly share the spiritual oversight of the congregation with the pastor (the teaching elder). The elders are elected from the membership of the congregation who fulfil the requirements of 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1.

The elders endeavour to visit our members at least once per year and more frequently as required. They lead prayer meetings and teach within the congregation at various levels. The elders have six scheduled meetings each year and more frequently as necessary, in order to oversee the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.